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Tips for understanding the job application process

Tips for understanding the job application process

With so many job seekers applying for any one job in today's economic climate, it's good to have an understanding of what happens to your application once you've pressed the 'send' button.

Many companies now use applicant tracking programmes to help with their recruitment process. This means your application goes into a pile and is sifted through by a computer programme as opposed to a human. The computer scans your job application for selected key words, appropriate to the company and the sector you're applying to, therefore you want to ensure your application isn't thrown out at the first hurdle.

You must be specific with the key words you use. Don't simply generalise with words like 'administration' or 'marketing'. It's best to go into more in-depth detail and use more specific terms from your previous jobs, such as 'database analysis', 'market research coordination', 'communications and social media coordination'.

It's also important to put your keywords into some sort of context. Don't simply list them, provide examples from a specific previous job role and include any achievements in that area. You might want to give the key word and then briefly explain what action you took in this area, which will help to highlight your skills and why you're a good candidate for their job.

Be sure not to over use keywords in your job application. It needs to sound natural, so that once your application is finally read by HR it's not obvious it's been written to get past the initial computer scanner. It's important to strike a balance; use keywords but make them fit in naturally and ensure you link them to specific job tasks.

Careers Advice

We work with experts in and around our local area to provide useful information relating to careers advice - we hope you will find these articles to be helpful. You can view our news news archive here

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Dealing with Redundancy - Part 1 - Knowing Your Rights

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Time to Compromise? - Advice for Employees

Nicola Brown offers advice on employment law issues, concerned with the agreements made between an employer and and employee when accepting a position in a company.

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Dealing with Redundancy - Part 3 - Psychological Impact

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10 Steps to Creating Career Opportunities

Working with Recruitment Companies effectively!

Chichester Employment & Business News

When attending interviews it's always good to be up to date with what's happening in the local business and employment sector - we hope you'll find these selected news articles interesting

Goodwood opens new sustainable restaurant

The Goodwood Estate are delighted to announce the opening of its new restaurant, Farmer, Butcher, Chef. The exciting new restaurant offers a unique new dining experience that celebrates the organic meat reared less than a mile away on Goodwood Home Farm.Goodwood has been farmed by the family for over three hundred years and is one of the only self-sustaining organic farms in Europe. These organic principles enable our farmer, Tim Hassell, to produce the best-tasting beef, pork and lamb, all of which are reared right here. Our butcher, John Hearn, is directly involved in designing dishes according to what cuts are available. An original approach, inspired by our executive chef, Darron Bunn, means that nothing is wasted.Marrying the expertise of our Farmer, our Butcher and our Chef, the restaurant offers lunch and dinner, seven days a week, as well as the chance to fill up on some tasty, light snacks from the bar. more

Management Buyout for Local Employer Direct Life and Lifequote Team

Direct Life, which owns LifeQuote, is being purchased from Cardif Pinnacle Insurance Holdings Ltd, by its MD Rob Quayle and Sales and Marketing Director Neil McCarthy. The FCA has already approved the change in control, and more

Tips for understanding the job application process

With so many job seekers applying for any one job in today's economic climate, it's good to have an understanding of what happens to your application once you've pressed the 'send' button. more

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Chichester Job Centre

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Looking for a second job in Chichester?

University of Chichester / Chichester College

Public Sector jobs in Chichester

Information on local newspapers covering Chichester

Recruitment in Chichester

Example CV for people applying for jobs in Chichester

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Recruitment advertising in Chichester for Direct Employers

photo shows dismayed candidate who hasnt had much luck in her career

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We've been asking local employers for tips on what to do in an interview – and, of course, what not to do! Here are our top 10 not to do in that all-important job interview.

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Dealing with Redundancy - Part 4 - Retraining and Development

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